Appalachian Boarding Company
Appalachian Boarding Company


Summer Fitness Classes

Regain Balance in your life and achieve peak levels of fitness regardless of age or body type with our unique series of summer fitness classes. Enjoy a small group setting with ABC founder Evan Young as we explore outdoor environments as our exercise solution for toning arms, trimming waists and building backs by Stand Up Paddleboarding. Even our lightest intro sessions burn over 400 calories per hour with our more advanced classes killing 1,000 per hour! Priced lower than your average personal trainer, with all your equipment included, our classes are a steal at $35 per hour! All these health and fitness benefits are encapsulated by the beauty that wraps around you in every West Virginia water source that we explore.

1 hour session: $35 (Equipment* included free while other places will charge double for just the rental)
*Stand Up Paddleboard, SUP Paddle and/or Kayak Paddle, Board Leash, and PFD
3 session special: $95 (Get a taste of all 3 classes or take more time in Intro to SUP to gain confidence before increasing the intensity of your SUP fitness session)

Intro to SUP

Burn over 500 calories per hour with this ACA* accredited Stand Up Paddleboarding Class

This course is a beginner's lesson and fitness session rolled into one. Perhaps the most liberating because it might be your first time Stand Up Paddleboarding or maybe you rented boards before but never had any formal instruction covering proper stroke techniques and key maneuvers.

It's easy to learn for all ages considering that if you can stand upright from a kneeling position then you can stand up on a paddleboard. Once standing upright on your board you will feel yourself gain stability instinctively as you begin to ignite every major lower body muscle group in conjunction with all supporting muscle groups to achieve balance.

When paddling, you leverage your body in such a way that you strengthen and tone your core ultimately leading to improved or near-perfect posture. You will also be pushing and pulling with each paddle stroke; activating all aesthetically appealing muscle groups of the upper body as well. Paddlers walk away feeling as if they've had a total body overhaul with more cushion in their knee joints, their hips are loosened up with more flexibility than ever, and lower back ailments that used to be a never-ending nuisance get smoothed out after just one session on a stand up paddleboard.

*American Canoe Association is the Gold Standard of the paddlesports industry since 1880

Paddle Power Hour

Slash over 700 calories per hour in this AppBoCo Original for beginner to intermediate paddlers!

The name says it all and that's all we're saying! This course incorporates 3 different Stances, Paddle Strokes, and Maneuvers to blast every part of your body back into shape! By incorporating 3 different methods over a 1 hour span, you're able to exhaust every portion of your body incorporated while continuing to burn calories as you cruise across the water at your own pace. These methods helped me lose 40 pounds in the first 4 months I had my first SUP board - no joke! All I did was quit fast food and commit to paddling at least once a week and it got me back to ground zero just in time for my wedding!

Learn to Surf - Paddle, Pop & Pull

Crush up to 1,000 calories per session with this AppBoCo Original!

This classifies as a Surf lesson and fitness class rolled into one for Intermediate paddlers and the adventurous at heart! Whether you want to learn how to surf before your next beach vacation or you want to add explosive full body power to your game - this fitness session breaks through all barriers with its unorthodox approach as we've pulled out all the stops with this progressive approach to surf training on our local lakes and rivers. Elements included are paddling from prone position, popping up (equivalent to burpees in Crossfit or up-downs in football) and a pulling system to simulate the swell of a wave so that you're truly prepared to take on the surf this summer!

I remember back to my first time surfing (trying) - I booked a session with a surf school and thought I'd be up on my board cruising and carving waves all afternoon. Well, this big kahuna was wrong as I was awakened to the fact that Surfing is one of the most demanding, exhilarating, and humbling experiences you'll ever have in your life! Then I met the locals of the Island that revealed to me that they were all wrong at the Surf School since they played up the fact that I'd be catching waves right away. What the locals taught me was respect for the sport and that you had to work for the wave... (something I wish I'd known a couple months prior to prepare for). I then spent the next several days learning the winning strategy for battling through the waves and paddling out past the break, I did pop-ups till exhausted and eventually saw the light to surfing and became brothers with my mentors. (Gracias, Taito y Ruben!)

*The final phase of our Surf Training includes Longboarding - because if you learn to Surf the Land, you'll be ready to carve the water once you catch a wave! Longboarding lessons/classes starting June 21st! (We will arrange Longboarding lessons prior to that date based on demand to get you ready to surf!)

**Surf Tours to Rincon, Puerto Rico projected for October 1st (Start of Surf Season there), New Year's Eve (because you're off work and need this in your new year!) and late February (biggest waves around!)

SUP Yoga

Release stress and 500 calories as you relax the mind. (Accreditation coming ASAP: Fall 2016)

Adding the million micro muscle movements of balancing on a board will re-ignite your love for yoga and give you that full body flush of endorphins you've been starving for - so close your eyes, breathe deep, and begin to imagine the floor beneath your yoga mat morphing into a transparent bliss that levitates you to new heights of relaxation, contemplation, and charisma for your workout regimen. There are few things that compare to the solitude and serenity of a SUP Yoga experience as you supplement your yoga mat with a stable paddleboard that's willing to lift you up no matter what position you're in!

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